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At this time, we are not accepting guest posts on Pixel2Pixel Design. But wait, you can still help!

Helping Pixel2Pixel Design is a great way to give back to the community. Thousands of new users stumble upon Pixel2Pixel Design every day, and we help them have a wonderful WordPress experience.

Want to pitch in? Here’s how:

Over 95% of our content ideas are suggested by users in our community. Because guess what? If you or someone you know is having a WordPress issue, then there is a very good chance that someone else is also having that same issue.

We want to help solve that, and you can help us by sending us the content ideas that you want us to cover.

Pixel2Pixel Design articles are focused on a How To: format, so it’s best if your content ideas can fit that structure.

Use the form below to send us your suggestions:


Why are we not accepting guest posts?

We used to accept guest posts, but as marketers started utilizing Guest Posts for boosting SEO, it all went downhill. The number of low-quality pitches sky-rocketed.

It became a chore for us to go through dozens of low-quality pitches to find one or two gems.

Even after that, some of those articles weren’t up to par and required a significant amount of editing.

On the other hand, we found it best when our users sent us topics they wanted us to cover, and one of our experienced writers wrote a comprehensive tutorial.

That’s why we made the decision to stop accepting one-off guest posts.

However, if you want to work for Pixel2Pixel Design as a writer, then please use our contact form to get in touch.

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