How to Plunge into Affiliate Marketing Via Your WordPress Website
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How to Plunge into Affiliate Marketing Via Your WordPress Website

Affiliate marketing has witnessed a lot of traction towards it in recent years as it makes way for earning some easy money. That said, there is a setup to how you go about creating an environment for indulging in affiliate marketing.


Just like you earn money by promoting the products and services of companies in the real world, the online world works much the same way. Here, you use your website as a platform for promoting your affiliate’s service. The affiliates associate with you if and when they deem you draw a reasonably good amount of traffic and your visitors belong to strata which might be interested to buy your line of products. And once they start posting their product ads on your website, they give you commission for every product sold via your website.

So, essentially, there is no intricacy to how the deal works out. If your website manages to fetch a lot of clicks and buys through the ads, you are a richer webmaster at the end of the month! However, you do need to execute your plans right.

WordPress is Your Best Ally Affiliate Marketing

You will hardly find any disagreements to the statement that WordPress is the best content management around and for the same reason, it is the most popular one as well.

For the folks who are planning on earning via affiliate marketing, WordPress is a goldmine. It can earn some big bucks for you, and in a manner most simple. You can place the ads of your affiliates on the different sections of your WordPress website as it makes placing those ads an extremely easy task to carry out.

The following series of steps are for those who already have set up their WordPress website. If you haven’t as yet, it’s extremely simple. Besides, there is massive literature dedicated to building a WordPress website on the Internet. So, we will proceed with those readers in mind who already have set up a WordPress site for themselves.

How to Place the Ads

While there are quite a few steps involved, all of them are easy to follow for even a novice:

  1. Login to your WordPress’ admin panel and in your dashboard, click on the Appearance menu.
  2. Then, you will see a menu wherein you need to click on Widgets.
  3. The next screen has a small area labeled under the Secondary Widget Area. Here, you have the entire list of widgets to choose from, and for our purpose, we will select the widget Text (this widget allows you to enter the HTML code for your ad)
  4. Drag the Text widget onto the secondary widget area section.
  5. Your affiliate must have provided you with the code of the ads they wish to place on your website. Paste the ad’s code inside the Text widget. Click on Save.

That’s all. If you visit your live website now, you can view the ad on the sidebar.

If You Haven’t Signed up With an Affiliate Yet

There are many website owners who do not have any associations with any companies to put the ads on for. While they have the same drive to earn through affiliate marketing, but how do you earn when you don’t sell anything. For the same kind of folks, there are WordPress plugins that can set them up with products and product makers.

Amazon Associates Affiliate plugins are the set of plugins that can help you sign up with the Amazon Associates Program and eventually find a way to publish advertisements on your website. And the advertisements are those of the Amazon goods and products they sell on their website. So, that ensures that your website may be centered on any theme, you can always have the most relevant ads on it that suit the taste of your audience and increase your chances of earning through the ads.

Here are some of the plugins you can try out for your website:

Amazon Link

Amazon Link is a free plugin with the most versatile set of features. Also, this plugin is perfect for the newbies who aren’t comfortable with complex configuration settings.

The Amazon Link basically includes the ads via the links in your post texts. The ads are placed on words in a way that gels well with the content and boosts the chances of user action.

Easy Azon

EasyAzon is a premium plugin that comes with even more advanced features. You can have the links created to the Amazon line of products right from your dashboard, and this feature is instrumental in it being seized with the keenest of desires by a whole lot of WordPress site owners.

Affiliate marketing, without a thread of doubt, has great potential. So, if being a mere blogger was not on your agenda, step right in.

Written by
Amanda Cline
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