Black Friday and Cyber Monday brings some of the best deals from the year. This year was no different (see our black friday / cyber monday 2012 deals). TechCrunch reported that over 1 billion dollars were spent this year on shopping. Mojo Themes are doing their third annual cyber bundle that will last until December 3rd. The bundle includes 14 WordPress themes and 2 WordPress plugins valuing over $594. You can get this bundle for only $29 for a limited amount of time. This offer will expire on December 3rd, 2012. Here is a sample of what you will have:
Clifden – $39
Simplicity – $39
More+ Responsive Theme – $39
Beta Responsive Theme – $39
Vixen Responsive Theme – $39
Stella WordPress Theme – $39
Zenbox – $39
NEO Responsive Full Screen theme – $39 – $52
Suheto – $39
Zone4 – $37
Studio London – $39
Betty WooCommerce Theme – $42
Modest – $37
Next Slider – Responsive Slider plugin – $20
Mojo Newsletter Plugin – $15
Again, this offer will end soon. It comes once a year, so take advantage of it while you can.